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Live DMA members’ regional statistics

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With the Survey, Live DMA presents the first Europe-wide quantitative study on live music venues and clubs. This project not only helps in having a better understanding in the European venues’ legal status, type of activities or number of workforce but also helps our members in collecting their own...

Ecological Sustainability: the European Music Sector takes action!

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The global climate crisis has led many organisations from the music sector to act towards a more eco-conscious future. Culture can be a strong driver for positive changes in society. In this article, we highlight ecological initiatives and concrete tools from the live music sector, both at national and...

Live Style Europe #19 – May 2021

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With over 400 000 music events, 950 000 artist performances and 70 million audience visits in 2017 (Live DMA Survey, 2020), concert venues and clubs are the music sector’s foundation. They are indeed the lifeblood of artistic creation and the development of new talents. As part of our What...

Pilot Events: proving live music is safe

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[last update: 12 July 2021] Since the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis in March 2020, live music events all around Europe have been put at a stop or with logistical and sanitary conditions never seen before. In order to investigate how to manage live music events of all formats...