Live DMA
Linking Initiatives and Venues in Europe Developing Musical Actions
Non-profit association established under French law (association loi 1901)
SIRET: 789 708 385 00 24
APE: 9499Z
Coordination office
35 rue du Crucy
44000 Nantes
+33 7 7 67 00 59 89
Anders Tangen and Isabelle von Walterskirchen are as Live DMA co-presidents the directors of the publication of this website.
Elisa Thoma, employee in charge of communications at Live DMA, is responsible for drafting the contents on this website.
This website is developed on WordPress.
Design, conception, and integration: Thierry Mauduit
Development: Willy Bahuaud, Wabeo
Credits of photos and illustrations are mentioned under the relevant content.
The Live DMA website (associated domain live-dma.eu) is hosted in France (Data-centre Paris) by OVH.
Société OVH, SAS au capital de 10 000 000 €
RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 6202A
VAT: FR 22 424 761 419
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France
The website accessible by the URL https://www.live-dma.eu is operated in the respect of French legislation. The use of this website is managed under the here presented general conditions. By using this website, you acknowledge to have taken note of and you accept these conditions. The general conditions can be modified at any times and without notice by Live DMA. Under no circumstances will Live DMA be held accountable in any way for any third party misusing the contents published on this website.
The information on this website are as precise as possible and the website is regularly updated. It can, however, contain inaccuracies, omissions, and gaps. If you feel that there is information missing or if you observe an error or dysfunction, we invite you to signal this to Live DMA by sending an email to contact@live-dma.eu.
All content downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of this website is done at your own discretion and risk. In consequence, Live DMA cannot be held accountable for any damage or losses that occur from downloading.
Hypertext links are used on this website in order to redirect to other content and resource available on the Internet, especially towards the website of Live DMA’s members and partners. All hypertext links are clearly identified. Live DMA commits to deleting any hypertext links on demand of the organisations to whom the websites belong. Live DMA cannot be held accountable for the resources presented on the Internet the hypertext links present on this website redirect to.
Live DMA owns the intellectual property rights in the content that is made available to you on this website, or has obtained the permission of the owner of the intellectual property in such material to use the content on our website (texts, images, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, etc.). The reproduction, representation, modification, publication, alteration, copying of any part of this website, using any method, on any type of material, is strictly forbidden except by previous written authorization.
Any not authorized exploitation of the website or one of the elements that it contains will be considered as being a forgery, liable to pursuits according to provisions of the articles L.335-2 and following ones of the French Code of Intellectual property.
In France, personal data are protected by law 78-87 of 6th January 1978, law 2004-801 of 6th August 2004, and by the article L. 226-13 of the Penal code and the European Directive of the 24th of October 1995.
By using this website, certain information are automatically collected by the WordPress statistical tool:
- The domain of the links that made the user access this website
- The user’s IP address
- Date of connection
Live DMA only collects personal information of users for the need of special services provided by this website:
- Inscription form to the Live DMA newsletters
- Contact form integrated to this website allowing users to submit content
The user provides this information freely and in full knowledge of cause, in particular when he or she provides such information willingly.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 38 and following ones of French law 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data, files and freedoms, all users have a right of access, rectification and opposition to personal data. Live DMA follows this obligation and proposes the users to send a message to contact@live-dma.eu if they are concerned.
No personal user information in link with this website is published, exchanges, transferred or sold without the agreement of the user to any third party. This privacy policy was updated in May 2018 as part of the GDPR.