LSE Podcast #15 – November 2020

In this Live Style Europe radio show, we explain how live music venues and clubs are affected by Covid-19. Since March 2020, live music venues and clubs had to cancel or reschedule all their events, which is their core business and main source of income.

In some countries, they were able to slowly reopen, however under very strict conditions limiting their regular audience capacity and challenging the usual concert format. With no or only very little activities left, those venues have no income and fully depend on governmental support in order to avoid bankruptcy.

Venues and clubs are part of larger cultural, social, and economic ecosystem. The fact that venues and clubs cannot operate has also repercussions on artists, on the audience, on other music subsectors and all the people working connect to music and live events.

Documents & projects mentioned during the show:

Key-Numbers – Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on 2,600 Live DMA European music venues and clubs in 2020:

Circuito – Recently created live music association in Portugal:

Peaceful awareness campaigns & demonstrations: #WeMakeEvents

Music: Billy Nomates – No 

The show was presented by Elisa Thoma and Juliette Olivares for Live DMA, European network for live music associations.

This podcast is produced together with eu!radio. You can listen to episode 15 right here.