LiveKomm represents 510 music venues in Germany, organised in different regions. Until now there is limited information available from their Survey data 2016, but this brings us already some useful information about the main characteristics and business model of the German live music venues and clubs. The LiveKomm venues have a median of 300 audience capacity so are generally small. Together the venues present well over 160,000 artist performances per year, which attract over 14.6 million visits.
LiveKomm members are a mix of private commercial venues (59%), private non-profit (30%) and public venues (11%). Therefore they have different business models, but also the non-profit venues have comparing to other European regions a low share of subsidy (6%) and venues rely mostly on ticket and catering sales to the audience (76%). Venues have in average less money to cover artistic costs than the income generated by ticket sales.
At the moment LiveKomm is cooperating with the German funding and export office for musicians and music companies Initiative Musik in a nationwide Survey project in Germany, including the collection of data of LiveKomm music venues, of which the results are expected in the fall of 2020.
The Berlin Clubcommision, representing 251 clubs, venues & promoters in Berlin, released a report with facts & figures in spring 2019, measuring the social and economical impact of the Berlin clubs, which can be dowloaded right here:
To learn more about LiveKomm venues visit and/or contact LiveKomm Survey coordinator Heiko Rühl , heiko.ruhl[@]
Download the Overview
Based on the data (year 2016) of 46 LiveKomm music venues, collected during 2017 and 2018, and extrapolated to data of the 510 music venues part of LiveKomm and Live DMA in 2017.