Interreg: European Territorial Cooperation – example of DEMO project

Interreg is a programme of cooperation between territories developed with the support of the structural fund ‘European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)’. The programme started 25 years ago and it has for goal to reduce the disparities between European regions, through common projects and cooperation between trans-border regions. Interreg works for a European growth that is intelligent, sustainable and inclusive.

The next Interreg programme should start in January 2022.

Interreg is a programme managed by European regions, not at the national or European level.

Interreg is not a programme specific to cultural projects. Yet, as the European regions choose their priorities among a list of strategies established by the European Union, culture can be part of these priorities. Nonetheless, advocacy is needed at European Regions level so they can fully realise the potential of Interreg programme for cultural projects.

Recently, the Creative Europe Desk Germany organised a conference where it was explained how the latest Interreg programme included fundings for the cultural sectors. You can watch the conference here:


For the years 2014 – 2020, Interreg France –Wallonia – Vlaanderen financed the DEMO project: Durability and Ecology in the Music sector and its Organisers. Go through the Slides below to learn more about DEMO: what they do, how they collaborate together, how they think about the future of the project…