observation & figures

On this page, you can find facts, figures and information on specific topics and on specific regions and countries.

Live DMA Inventory 2021

We are pleased to share the official inventory of Live DMA, stating the numer of venues, clubs and festivals part of our network! This official document aims to show the evolution of our European network. The live music sector in Europe is growing fast and new national networks are...

Live DMA members’ regional statistics

With the Survey, Live DMA presents the first Europe-wide quantitative study on live music venues and clubs. This project not only helps in having a better understanding in the European venues’ legal status, type of activities or number of workforce but also helps our members in collecting their own...

The Economic Impact of Music in Europe – Oxford Economics

The IFPI, the trade body representing the recording industry worldwide, commissioned a report on the economic impact of music in Europe. This report quantifies the gross value added, employment and tax contributions the music sector made to the economies of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU27)...

French Music Venues – Facts & Figures 2018 (publication 2019)

Analyzing the popular music sector is one of FEDELIMA’s (Fédération des Lieux de Musiques Actuelles – Federation of Popular Music Venues) main tasks. Its motor and founding principle of action is a methodology we have named “Shared and Participatory Survey” (SPS). The SPS method is a philosophy of action...

Dutch Music Venues & Festivals – Facts & Figures 2019

This publication provides insight into the Facts & Figures in the Netherlands for the year 2019 of 53 of the 59 music venues, and of all 52 festivals, that are members of the VNPF in October 2020. The year 2019 was a record year for the Dutch music venues...